Fundació Viver de Bell-lloc
Details of contact
The Bell-lloc Viver Group is a non-profit group that collaborates with public and private administrations and institutions to promote personal growth and the social and labor inclusion of people at risk of exclusion, especially those with intellectual disabilities. or severe mental disorder, developing and participating in sustainable business and social projects.
Basic details
Geographical Area
El Vallès Oriental
People attended-Services
Total No. Employees
Employees with disability
Area of people care
Home Residence Bell-lloc
Home Residence Lluïsa Oller
Autonomy Support Service in the Own Home: in the Vallès Oriental region.
Leisure service
Employment and Orientation Service
Personal Adjustment Service
Business area (Special Employment Centre)
The purpose of the special center is to create stable jobs, adjusted to the reality of the market and oriented to the integration of people with disabilities. Through paid work it is intended to achieve their personal, labor and economic fulfillment.
Environmental and gardening services: maintenance of municipal green areas, urban tree pruning, landscaping, phytosanitary treatments, cleaning and recovery of river courses, maintenance of forest fire safety strips.
Nursery: ivy production (Hedera sp.) Used in public gardening as a cover element for flower beds and for the formation of plant hedges.
Production and distribution of ecological eggs
Industrial services of handling, packaging, selection, quality.
Labor enclaves.
Surveillance of spaces and parking lots with time control.
Agroecological Activities Park
Management of external kitchens.
The entity has a comprehensive management system, for all its services and activities (both productive and welfare) that is certified by ENAC, in accordance with the standards ISO 9001 of quality, ISO 14001 of the Environment and OSHAS 18001 of Prevention of Occupational Risks.