We have tried to be open to participation in collective initiatives, with the firm belief that we should have an open and collaborative attitude with everyone. As such, we have participated in the associated life through the following entities:
To begin with, we have fully involved ourselves in the updating of statutes and, consequently, in the governability of the federation, with the aim of working for the unity and strength of the sector. The members of the federation have given us their trust and on the new board there is a significant representation from Sinergrup’s centres.
We also participate in the employers’ association and have a presence on their board. We also participate in the emerging debates on the future of this entity and will work to find the best fit for the various entities in the sector.
We actively participate in the debates which have taken place to focus the future of this entity, which is an employers’ association for special work centres at a national level. Sinergrup’s centres are associated with this entity and we have worked actively over the last few months, participating in the working group established to analyse what steps are to be taken in the future. In the elections for the board of directors, after the Summer, we will be presenting a candidate member, at the request of the AFEM and the rest of centres in Catalunya.
Sinergrup is a member of the European Group of Economic Interest in Social Work (GEIE). Alongside Sinergrup, this group is made up of an association of French social service providers, a public administration from Valon, a Portuguese foundation and, most recently, a Slovenian foundation. The aim of GEIE TS is to participate in European programmes. For example, this year we have participated in the TASIS programme, which allowed us to carry out an exchange with Russian experts. This has permitted us to offer to them the advances we have made in the field of early stimulation. A Russian delegation visited Catalunya and our experts went to Siberia, where they were made very welcome.
As members of the GEIE we participate in programmes, meetings and assemblies and can put forward to the commission programmes to be developed.
Through our decision to enter into the world of mental illness and the consequent signing of the collaboration agreement, we have enjoyed the support of this federation in all subjects connected to mental illness. As such, they participated in our training event last July 1st, co-ordinating one of the working groups.
Together with us, they have been the drivers behind the study carried out on the model of integration for those with mental illnesses and as a result of this work with other entities in the sector, the creation of a Mental Health Committee is being considered. With the participation of all the entities, associations and federations involved, it can act with one single voice through the pertinent judicial channels.